
Groupement des Industrielles Français de l'Energie Nucléaire (GIFEN) and Tectubi Raccordi SpA in meeting

On last 24th September Tectubi Raccordi SpA had the great pleasure of meeting Groupement des Industriels Français de l'Energie Nucléaire (GIFEN) and reflecting on the current challenges and future opportunities of the Nuclear sector.
In particular, the discussion focused on Tectubi France and the future support provided to the French Nuclear market by BSL Pipes & Fittings and Interfit factories.
GIFEN was represented by Olivier Bard (CEO) and Sandrine Sacépé (Directrice Marketing and Relations Adhérent) and Tectubi Raccordi by Valter Alberici (President & CEO), Joel CottiI (Sales Area Manager) and Carlos Leite (BSL Pipes and Fittings General Manager).

Websites of the Group

Petrol Raccord S.R.L. – Sede legale / Registered office: Via Trebbia 29, Zona Industriale Ponte Trebbia, 29010 Calendasco (Piacenza), Italy
Capitale sociale / Paid capital € 62,500,00 – REA PC 65074 – IVA / VAT No. IT 00256800335
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